At the first meeting of council held in November of each year, Council appoints individuals to serve as members on standing committees or as representatives of the municipality.
Deputy Reeve: Neil McIntosh
Emergency Measures Officer: Brad Norrish
Central Butte Foundation Board: Joseph Kretsch
Recreation Boards: Hawarden- Darwyn Snustead, Loreburn- David Vollmer, Strongfield- Darwyn Snustead, Elbow- Joseph Kretsch
Danielson & Douglas Parks Committee: Joe Kretsch
RCMP Community Initiatives: David Vollmer
Board of Revision & Development Appeals Board: Western Municipal Planning Ltd.
Loreburn Library Board: Amanda Glubis
Elbow Library Board: VACANT
Palliser Regional Board: Candace Wankel
South Saskatchewan River Watershed Stewards Inc: Neil McIntosh
WaterWolf Region Representatives: Deb Penner
Municipal Hail Delegate: Ryan Glubis
Alternate Delegate: TBA
APAS Representative: Ryan Glubis
APAS Representative (Alternate): David Vollmer
Engineering: WSP Canada Inc.
Contract Planner: Crosby, Hanna and Associates