RM of Loreburn No. 254

Municipal Appointments

At the first meeting of council held in November of each year, Council appoints individuals to serve as members on standing committees or as representatives of the municipality.

Deputy Reeve: Neil McIntosh

Emergency Measures Officer: Brad Norrish

Central Butte Foundation Board: Joseph Kretsch

Recreation Boards: Hawarden- Darwyn Snustead, Loreburn- David Vollmer, Strongfield- Darwyn Snustead, Elbow- Joseph Kretsch

Danielson & Douglas Parks Committee: Joe Kretsch

RCMP Community Initiatives: David Vollmer

Board of Revision & Development Appeals Board: Western Municipal Planning Ltd.

Loreburn Library Board: Amanda Glubis

Elbow Library Board: VACANT

Palliser Regional Board: Candace Wankel

South Saskatchewan River Watershed Stewards Inc: Neil McIntosh

WaterWolf Region Representatives: Deb Penner

Municipal Hail Delegate: Ryan Glubis

Alternate Delegate: TBA

APAS Representative: Ryan Glubis

APAS Representative (Alternate): David Vollmer

Engineering: WSP Canada Inc.

Contract Planner: Crosby, Hanna and Associates